Spring—and Paper Yard Bags—Has Popped Up on Every Corner
Now that spring has arrived, it might be a good time for a quick reminder. The city collects yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, tree branches and tree trunks) from your curb weekly if it is properly bagged or bundled. Place leaves and grass clippings in disposable paper yard-waste bags or use your own container. Branches and limbs should be bundled with string or twine. Bundles cannot be longer than four feet or wider than two feet. No single yard-waste item can weigh more than 50 pounds. You can find out what day of the week your yard waste will be collected at http://publicservice.columbus.gov/refuse/.
Alternatively, you can take yard waste to a compost facility. You can find a list of compost facility locations at http://publicservice.columbus.gov/refuse/.
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