What Do You Think about Public Art?
by Matthew Williams
What do you think about public art? The Harrison West Society is about to launch a program to add a fifth and final work of public art to Harrison Park, and we’re seeking your input.
You already know that four sculptures designed by CCAD students and selected by residents of Harrison West from more than 30 submissions currently line the Olentangy Recreation Trail as it wends through Harrison Park. You may also have noticed a large concrete pad along Harrison Park Place near Funk-ee-Town. That pad was installed to receive a fifth work, but budgetary constraints halted our art program after the initial four. Using money from the neighborhood’s Gowdy Field fund and (we hope) a match from the Columbus Art Commission, we can finally commission the final piece of art, and what a piece it promises to be. In a few months, we will be seeking submissions from major public artists for a signature work that will define our neighborhood. But first, we want to hear from you.
We’ve worked with the city’s planning division to develop a survey from which we’ll be able to get a sense of what Harrison Westies would like to see in the new work, and we invite you to visit the survey site and share your thoughts. The survey is only four questions long, so surf over to http://www.columbus.gov/planning/hpart/ and tell us your thoughts on public art.
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