Pecha Kucha May 9 at Franklinton Development Association Warehouse
Pecha Kucha Columbus will host its next event on Thursday, May 9 at the Franklinton Development Association warehouse. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., local musician Joey Hebdo will perform at 7:30, and presentations begin at 8:00. The suggested donation is $2 per person, benefiting Pecha Kucha Columbus. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The One Fund Boston to help the people most affected by the tragic events that occurred in Boston on April 15.
Each speaker will follow the international Pecha Kucha format of showing 20 images and speaking about each image for 20 seconds. Presenters include designer and micro-publisher Binaebi Akah; Appalachian and Pacific Trail hiker Garik Lawson Asplund; Alex Bandar with Columbus Idea Foundry; local farming advocate John Bannon; six-year-old artist and storyteller Soleil Cummings; Nick Gore of GoreMade Pizza; U.S. Navy veteran and IAVA Leadership Fellow Angela King; Ruth Milligan from; Adam Sauer of Cycle Lights; and architect Gary Sebach. Presenters are subject to change. Pecha Kucha is about sharing passion and creativity, and is not a forum for sales pitches, commercial presentations, or self-promotional material. The festivities will be emceed by Bandar and Jim Sweeney of FDA. Scott Vayo will deejay.
Food and beverages will be available for sale by local food trucks, as organized by Food Fort Columbus. The FDA warehouse is located at 421 West State Street. Parking is available on State and in the 400 West Rich lots on Lucas between Rich and Town. Carpooling is encouraged.
About Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha Night was devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture. It was founded in Tokyo in 2003 as a way for designers to meet and share their work in public, and has morphed into a massive celebration with events in more than 600 cities around the world. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for “the sound of chitchat,” it rests on a simple and momentum-driven presentation format: 20 images x 20 seconds. Pecha Kucha Columbus was formed by a group of designers and community members in February of 2007.
Visit for photos of past Pecha Kucha Columbus events.
Alexandra Kelley Fox:
Twitter @pechakuchacmh
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