Harrison West Election Season
It’s time again to nominate officers for the Harrison West Society. The elections committee will be accepting nominations until the May 15th, 2013 meeting, at which time, candidates for the offices of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer will be able to introduce themselves to the membership and outline their qualifications for the posts they seek.
To nominate yourself or someone else for a society office, please send your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address to president@harrisonwest.org. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, first confirm that your potential nominee is willing to serve, then send his or her contact information, along with your own, to the e-mail address above.
Please consider serving Harrison West by running for an office in the society, by serving on a committee or by volunteering for one or more of the many events and initiative that the society sponsors. Many talents are needed, and many volunteer opportunities exist at all levels in the society.
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