Infant CPR/Choking Class Free to Harrison West Residents

Fitness Resources Columbus Ohioby Mark Mays, Fitness Resources

Harrison West residents have been lucky enough to welcome several new additions to our community. The team at Fitness Resources wants to help our young neighbors grow up healthy and will sponsor an infant CPR/choking class.

This class will be informative and fun for new parents, grandparents and care givers and will be free to Harrison West residents. The fee for nonresidents will be a nominal $10.

Space is limited so reserve your seat now.

The class will be held at the Harrison Park Condo Community Center, 575 West First Ave. on Wednesday, November 9 beginning at 3 p.m. Noemi Moorhead, R.N. will teach how us how to tell when a child is in distress, how to help the child, and how to prevent choking in infants.

Call Mark Mays at (614) 286-7883 to reserve your seat.

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