Neil Avenue Traffic Signals and Intersections Improvements
The city of Columbus is continuing with plans to update traffic signals and improve intersections on Neil Avenue between Goodale Street and 11th Avenue. The project is currently in the design phase, with construction tentatively scheduled in spring 2014 if funding becomes available. Public input is encouraged during the design phase; details, date and time below.
Eight traffic signals on Neil Avenue that are more than 30 years old will be upgraded with current technology. The work will also remove overhead cables at the eight signalized intersections and add pedestrian features. The project will improve traffic flow, provide connectivity to the City’s Traffic Management Center and assist pedestrians and mobility- and vision-impaired individuals.
Planned improvements for Neil Avenue include:
• Installing decorative, black, mast-arm signal poles like those in other historic districts and downtown
• Adding new traffic signal controllers
• Installing fiber-optic cable on east side of Neil Avenue between 5th and 9th avenues; tree trimming will be necessary on City-owned trees
• Upgrading and adding Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps
• Installing countdown timers for crossing intersections
• Refreshing pavement markings at intersections
Representatives from the city of Columbus and design consultants W.E. Stilson Consulting Group will be on hand July 24 at the Goodale Park Shelterhouse to answer questions in an open-house format; no formal presentation will be given. Exhibits illustrating roadway features and property impacts will be on display.
You are cordially invited to an Open House for the community on the
Neil Avenue Traffic Signals and Intersections Improvements
July 24, 2013; 5 – 7 p.m.
Goodale Park Shelterhouse
120 West Goodale Street
Questions regarding project information may be directed to City of Columbus Design Project Manager Larry Pollard, P.E., tel. (614) 645-6502.
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