Volunteer Opportunity, River Bank Clean-Up Part IV
By Matthew Williams
The Harrison West Society invites you to another opportunity to help make our neighborhood a better place to live on November 6th, 2010.
Volunteers have been spending time on weekends throughout the summer cleaning up the east bank of the Olentangy River along the site of Harrison Park. We have made really good headway, and the Olentangy River is now visible along most of the park property. Much of the underbrush, including honeysuckle, grapevine and poison ivy, has been cut and removed along with a couple dozen dead, damaged or invasive trees. Work remains to be done, however. On Saturday, November 6, the Harrison West Society will be holding our fourth River Bank Clean-Up from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., and we invite you to pitch in as we make a final push before winter.
To a great extent, our approach Saturday will be a mop-up operation. We will start at Second Avenue and work our way south tackling isolated pockets of brush. We will focus on cutting down honeysuckle and grapevine (the poison ivy, thankfully, appears to be largely under control) and removing brush that has already been cut but not yet hauled away. We’ll need lots of hands, but none of the work will be too difficult.
Meet us at Second Avenue and the river at 8 a.m. on Saturday or join us later in the day as we work south. Remember to wear clothing that covers you fully, including gloves and boots, and dress in layers. Its likely to be chilly at the start of the day, but you’ll find yourself getting warm as you work. Bring tools if you have them—ropes, loppers, limb saws, and rakes will all be useful.
Despite being hard work, the clean-up really has been fun: Hanging out with friends and neighbors, the satisfaction of getting your hands dirty for your neighborhood, and the immediate gratification of suddenly being able to see the beautiful Olentangy. If you haven’t had a chance to join in the fun, plan to lend a hand on November 6. At the rate we’re going, only a few opportunities like this one remain!
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