Traffic Islands on West Third and West Fifth Avenues

After much delay due to funding restrictions, Harrison West is finally going to see traffic islands installed on West Third and West Fifth avenues along with a bump out on West Third. The islands and bump out are traffic-calming features that were originally part of the Spring-Sandusky Interchange project and were designed to deter motorists from using Harrison West as a pass-through neighborhood. Budget changes caused their installation to be delayed several years, but Columbus is preparing to move ahead with the work after arranging new government funding and enlisting the support of Battelle.

West Fifth Avenue will receive two islands, one at the intersection with Perry St. and another where the Olentangy Recreation Trail crosses the street. West Third Avenue will receive one island where it crosses the Trail and a bump out immediately to the east of the island. The bump out will, in essence, replace the white striping already in place to narrow the lane in an attempt to slow traffic.

Kim Shepherd and Bill Lewis from the Department of Public Service will attend the Harrison West Society meeting on February 15, 2012 to re-present the project, field questions from the neighborhood and ensure that the society still supports the plan. While the plan has not changed since it was approved, Randy and the HWS officers feel that it will be helpful to refresh our collective memory about what will be happening. You can view the plans for the West Third Avenue and West Fifth Avenue traffic-calming features before the meeting. (Caution: The linked PDFs each exceed 5M and may download slowly.)

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