
Members in the Harrison West Society benefit by being able to vote on issues that come before the society including zoning and variance requests and development proposals. Moreover, membership encourages strong ties among community members and allows neighbors to directly affect the future of the neighborhood. If you are not a member of the Harrison West Society, please consider becoming a member. If you are already a member, be sure to renew your membership each December. Make a bigger impact by becoming a Harrison West Hero.

While the Society relies heavily on volunteers and donations, many events on our yearly calendar—including the much loved summer and winter parties and neighborhood cleanup activities—require the financial support provided by membership dues.

Annual Membership Dues

Individual: $20
Individual (Senior/Student): $10
Household: $25
Individual: Harrison West Hero: $100
Organization: $50
Organization: Harrison West Hero $100

Pay Online via Paypal or Your Credit Card

Simply select the amount from the drop down, and click “Buy Now”

Membership Dues

Or Make a Donation

Pay by Mail

Download and complete the Harrison West Society Membership form here to join the Harrison West Society or to renew your membership. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the form. Download the lastest version of Acrobat here.


The Harrison West Society general meeting is held the third Wednesday of every month except December. Everyone is welcome. Only members in good standing may vote on issues discussed at the general meetings. Memberships run from January through December.

The Harrison West Society Executive Committee, which is comprised of the Executive Board and committee chairs, meets on the first Wednesday of every month.

Some society committees meet regularly; others meet on an as-needed basis. To volunteer for a committee or to see when the next committee meeting is scheduled, see the Committees page here.

Stay Informed

The form below allows you to subscribe to the Harrison West Society’s e-mail distribution lists. Subscription to the lists is free, and membership in the Society is not required. The Communications Committee sends out two to three e-mails each month, and your privacy is absolutely respected. Your contact information will not be shared with any person or organization without your consent.

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