
Audit Committee

Meetings: Election season
The audit committee audits the treasurer’s books for the previous year or as the result of a vote by the society to do so.

By Laws and Policy Committee

Chair: Chris Ruder
Meetings: As necessary
The by laws and policy committee reviews proposals for revisions to the society’s constitution and new or revised society policies.

Communications Committee

Chair: Lydia Cumming
Meetings: As necessary
The communications committee oversees all society communication, including developing and maintaining, social media, and producing advertising and informational literature promoting the society and its events. It also maintains contact with other neighborhood groups, especially in the Short North area.

Membership Committee

Chair: Lydia Cumming
Meetings: As necessary
The membership committee maintains the society’s membership database and encourages nonmembers in Harrison West to join and lapsed members to rejoin the society. The committee also notifies current members when their membership is due for renewal.

Nomination Committee

Meetings: As necessary
The nomination committee ensures at least one nomination for each office at the regular meeting in May and at any election to fill a vacant office.

Parks and Green Space Committee

Chair: Bob Mangia
Meetings: As necessary
The Harrison West Society parks and green space committee develops an annual plan for the parks, public space rights-of-way, multi-use recreational trails and traffic-calming fixtures in Harrison West. It also maintains an inventory of all public and semi-public green spaces in the neighborhood.

Intense development in the neighborhood occurred between 2002 and 2010, including the planning and construction of Harrison Park. You can read a PDF record of that period, especially the development of the park, here. The document details and celebrates a major neighborhood success and reveals how the process of developing public space works.

The parks in our neighborhood include Harrison Park, Harrison West Park, Side by Side Park and Wheeler Park. The parks and green space committee also advocates for expanding and maintaining public green areas in the neighborhood, including the Battelle green space—the lawn between West Third Avenue and Battelle—which Battelle generously allows us to use as an informal park.

Planning and Development Committee

Chair: vacant
Meetings: As necessary
Developing and maintaining a long-range planning strategy is the charge of the planning and development committee. The society refers to the committee’s plans and reports when evaluating proposals for development projects in the neighborhood. The committee also reviews proposed projects, zoning changes and variances; reports on them; and recommends appropriate action by the society.

Social and Program Committee

Chair: vacant
Meetings: As necessary in the summer for the neighborhood block party and in the fall for the neighborhood winter party. The social events held for Harrison West residents and business owners are all fabulous thanks to the social and program committee. The committee also arranges programs and guest speakers for society meetings.