Harrison West Priority List

The main topic of the May 12, 2012 Harrison West Society meeting will be a discussion and ranking of community priorities. The neighborhood has available to it a significant amount of money to spend on improvements, and so over the last several months, society members have been compiling a list of projects toward which we might devote these funds.

If you are unable to attend the upcoming meeting, we would still like to hear your thoughts on the subject. Below (and at this PDF) is the current list of neighborhood priority items. Please print the list out and rank your top five items by putting a “1” beside your highest priority item, a “2” beside your second-highest priority item, and so on.

Put your name on your list and deliver it to a member of the society’s Executive Committee (Rob Harris, Kristen Easterday, Tim Bledsoe, Dean Curry, Jacob Sukosd, Matthew Williams, Chris Ruder, or Bob Mangia) or to anyone you know who will be attending the meeting. You can also mail your list to:

Harrison West Society
P.O. Box 163442
Columbus, Ohio 43216

Harrison West Project List

Parks & Green Space

_____ Kayak and canoe portage
_____ Bike path behind Superior Beverage
_____ Promontory for river view
_____ Dedicatory plaque in Harrison Park listing donors and volunteers
_____ Improvements at Side-by-Side Park including signage, drainage improvement at pathway and alley to the south, brick repair
_____ Improvements at Harrison West Park including signage, bench replacement
_____ Plantings (bulbs, redbuds, dogwoods, or other under-story trees) along river
_____ Butterfly garden
_____ Purple martin houses
_____ Invasive species abatement along east bank of Olentangy River
_____ Improvements at Wheeler Park including signage, reseeding, other options to improve durability in high-traffic areas
_____ Buy land at the corner of W. 2nd Ave. and Harrison Park Place and add it to Harrison Park
_____ Improvements to the south entrance to the neighborhood possibly including art and planting beds
_____ Landscape west entrance to neighborhood at W. 3rd Ave. and Olentangy River Road
_____ Improvements at Vermont Island including bench replacement
_____ Community garden

Street Lighting

_____ Convert street lights to acorns, especially on high traffic streets and on streets whose lights are nearly all acorns already (e.g., Perry St. from W. Second to W. 3rd avenues)
_____ Bury power lines wherever possible
_____ Add light-post banners to help the HWS publicize upcoming events


_____ Sound abatement on the west bank of the Olentangy River, preferably arbor vitae, cedar, or similar; preferably not a panelized wall as is found along I-71
_____ Replace asphalt streets with brick where possible and repair existing brick streets
_____ Resigning the neighborhood to control truck traffic
_____ Adding striped crosswalks at major intersections

Add Your Items Below
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