Harrison Park Art Project Winners Receive Down Payment
by Matthew Williams

Short North Foundation President Steve Hurtt, Rob Harris, and Matthew Williams present Hannah Mason-Macklin with an award for her winning sculpture, Brassia Orchid.
On April 23, residents and business owners in the Short North neighborhoods selected the remaining two sculptures to be installed in Harrison Park. (See the article here.) On May 3, the CCAD student winners received the first half of their awards at a brief ceremony during the Short North Foundation’s monthly meeting.
On hand to receive checks for $1500 each were Hannah Mason-Macklin, designer of Brassia Orchid, a realistic sculpture of an orchid flower to be installed in the south corner of Harrison Park and Allie Raines, whose whimsical sculpture, Community, will be installed near Funk-ee-Town playground and is an expression of the neighborhood collaboration that created Harrison Park. Also in attendance were Mason-Macklin’s family and boyfriend, Raine’s parents, and Steve Bush of CCAD, who has advised the contestants and helped them prepare their entries. All of the evening’s guests expressed great pride in the accomplishments of the artists. Rob Harris, Harrison West Society President, and Matthew Williams, Harrison Park Art Project Chair presented the awards.

Short North Foundation President Steve Hurtt, Rob Harris, and Matthew Williams present Allie Raines with an award for her winning sculpture, Community.
Mason-Macklin and Raines will present their designs to the Columbus Art Commission in June. Fabrication will begin after the Commission gives its final approval of their designs. The winners will receive the balance of their awards when the sculptures are installed, which is planned for late summer 2011.
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