Olentangy Riverfront Bike Path Spruce-up
The Battelle Rivers and Streams Team, the Harrison West Society and the Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW) are sponsoring a neighborhood community Olentangy River bike path spruce-up (weeding, litter pick-up, pruning, and mulching) from King to Third Avenues on Saturday, June 12 from 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. Meet at the Battelle Warehouse parking lot by the Fifth Avenue bridge (southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and the Olentangy River) at 9 a.m. The sign-in station will be in the warehouse. Please wear sturdy shoes and bring your own weeding and mulching tools (shovels, hoes, rakes etc.) or loppers if you would like to do some pruning work and work gloves. We will have extra work tools and gloves for those volunteers who cannot bring their own. We will also be picking up litter along the bike path from King to Third Avenues. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We will be working near the Olentangy River, and a busy bike path, so children must be supervised at all times while participating in this event. There will be some educational information about recycling available. This should be a fun and worthwhile time for the entire family. If you helped to plant some of the trees along the bike path in past years, you can use this opporunity to check on those trees. Join us for a light lunch at noon. For more information, call Adam Wagenbach (424-7927), Lu Taylor (424-5645) or Gretchen Farnung (424-7045).
Anticipated Contributors:
Brickman Landscaping—mulch
Keep Columbus Beautiful—mulching/weeding tools, trash bags and gloves
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