Columbia Gas replacement project starts this February in Harrison West

It’s time to replace the natural gas lines with newer materials that will serve our community for many years to come. In total, there will be 10,000’+ of new main line installed and over 440+ service lines replaced. Weather and resource permitting, this project is expected to last well into the summer months. 

Harrison West Society and Columbia Gas encourages all residents to please attend the virtual public meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:00 p.m. Because a part of this project involves relocating gas meters and periods of road closures, this virtual meeting provides an opportunity to learn more and to provide guidance on issues such as new locations for gas meters and communication on parking needs.

For any service or private property impact, Columbia Gas contractor Northern Pipeline (NPL) will work with each individual resident to schedule work out.  Columbus Gas will coordinate with Columbus Parking Enforcement to address parking concerns. Please see the linked document for further details about the project – this document should have been sent to all residents along the project route set to be impacted.

You may join via phone, mobile or desktop device. Columbia Gas will discuss the upcoming project and answer any questions you may have about the work. 

Meeting link:   

Meeting ID: 296 043 288 797
Event password: jV2qa62n

Call-in number (toll free): 1-833-232-2184 

Phone conference ID code: 540 180 450# 

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