Olentangy Watershed Forum 2012: Protecting and Restoring our Water Resources
For the past nine years, the Olentangy Watershed Forum has connected Citizens and experts who Wish to explore issues that impact the quality of life in the watershed.
This year’s agenda is filled with professionals who will speak on topics pertaining to the protection and restoration on the Olentangy Watershed. Confirmed speakers include Bryon Ringley of Stantec on the 5th Avenue Damn Removal and EcoSystem Restoration; Susan Weber and Sandy Frey of Integrity Sustainable Planning & Design on Urban Rainscapes; Dick Tuttle will explain how the Beaver plays a valuable part in any water system; Scott Sonnenburg of Eco Design and Engineering Ltd, will detail the restoration of the Wildcat Run Watershed; Amy Dutt of Urban Wild will discuss the new manual on how to comply with the new Olentangy Construction Permit and protect riparian corridors; David Rutter of MORPC will present an update on the Olentangy Balanced Growth Plan; plus reports from all of the Olentangy Watershed Coordinators.
This forum is for local residents, Water resource professionals, township officials, landowners, and farmers who want to learn about Water quality issues in the Olentangy Watershed and what effective planning strategies can be employed.
When: Friday, November 16th, 2012 from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm. Doors open at 8:30 am.
Where: Highbanks Nature Center
9466 Columbus Pike (U.S. Rt. 23)
Lewis Center, OH 43035
In the next twenty years, how we develop and maintain our communities will determine the health of the Olentangy River. Why is this important? The river serves as our drinking water supply, provides recreational relief from the urban environment and is an essential link for wildlife survival.
Forum Specifics: The Forum is free but registration is required. Seating is limited so walk-ins will be accommodated if space is available. Lunch is available for a $5 donation, payable at the door. Please indicate if you will be having lunch when you register. A vegetarian option is available. Lunch provided by Judy’s Cafe.
Registration: Pre-registration requested by Monday, November For more information or to register, Contact David Rutter at the Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission at 614-233-4186 or by email at: drutter@morpc.org
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