Construction Getting Closer for Goodale Landing Apartments and Westminster Thurber Tower
The $17 million Goodale Landing apartments development with its seven-story Westminster Thurber tower is getting closer to construction as Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services (OPRS) plans to go to market with tax-exempt bond issues for various construction projects this fall. You may remember the September 2012 Harrison West Society meeting, at which Mike Milligan, president of JMM Architects, along with architects for the Westminster Thurber continuing care community center at the corner of Goodale Street and Neil Avenue presented plans and a proposal for a new tower. The new tower will be located on a vacant portion of Westminster Thurber’s property just west of the Thurber tower.
Board members authorized the construction of this project after deposits were placed on 58 of the 67 planned units. A start date on construction has not been determined, but the organization plans to open the building by late 2015. Regarding the project, the OPRS CEO said,
“We’re just capitalizing on a tremendous need for us to add independent living. Retirees are wanting to reduce housing overhead while they’re increasingly interested in being near downtown.”
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