Announcing an Invasive Plants in Your Backyard Workshop
The Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC) is offering two workshops on invasive plants in central Ohio, one at Gorman Nature Center in Mansfield on August 29th and one at the Park of Roses in Columbus on September 14th. Both workshops are entitled Invasive Plants in Your Backyard and focus on the threats of invasive plants, how to identify these species, and what species are recommended as good alternatives. They will be held from 10am until 3pm. OIPC is partnering with the Richland County Park District for the August 29th workshop and Columbus Recreation and Parks for the September 14th workshop. These workshops are excellent opportunities for homeowners, landowners, volunteers, and land managers to learn more about the most invasive plants in central Ohio and what species can be used to replace them in your backyards. More information and registration can be found on the OIPC website at Registration is required, particularly if attendees wish to order a box lunch in advance.
The Ohio Invasive Plants Council is a coalition of organizations and individuals throughout Ohio who have a mutual interest in Ohio’s natural ecosystems and the effects of invasive plants and other organisms on their biological diversity. Educational workshops are part of an ongoing statewide effort to bring together professionals and citizens concerned with the introduction, spread, and control of invasive, non-native plants in Ohio’s natural areas and landscapes.
To register for a workshop visit For further inquiries, please contact OIPC at
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