Upcoming Children’s Vacation Bible School at Harrison Park

Eric Miller and hist wife, Julie, have been Harrison West residents for the past 4 years and love living in the neighborhood. Eric is a pastor at a relatively new church in the city, the Capital City Grace Church meeting at the Arena Grand Movie Theatre.  On August 8th, 9th, and 10th Eric and his church are sponsoring a Children’s Vacation Bible School at Harrison Park.

“Your chil­dren are invited to our free Vaca­tion Bible School in Har­ri­son West this sum­mer!  If you have kids under the age of 10, or if you have friends with chil­dren that age, please con­sider bring­ing them or invit­ing them to Vaca­tion Bible School at the Har­ri­son West Park, Wednes­day, Thurs­day, and Fri­day evenings from 6:30–7:30, August 8th, 9th, and 10th.  This free event will have games, Bible stories, snacks, and crafts!  Par­ents are wel­come to par­tic­i­pate with their child in the activ­i­ties if they would like.”

History of Capital Grace Church

In Feb­ru­ary of 2008 Eric and Julie Miller joined Larry and Sylvia Totzke (Italian Village residents) in start­ing Cap­i­tal City Grace Church in the down­town and sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hoods of Colum­bus.  After months of pray­ing, plan­ning, and form­ing a core team of eight, monthly ser­vices began in Sep­tem­ber 2008 at the Down­town YMCA. One of their pas­sions is serving their city.  A sim­ple way to do that was help­ing some fam­i­lies at Christ­mas through Adopt-a-Family.  They’ve also been able to part­ner with Grace Clinic in Franklin­ton and Grace in the City — Hardin Clinic in the Lin­den area. These free med­ical clin­ics serve people’s phys­i­cal needs and vol­un­teers are there for their spir­i­tual needs as well.

You can learn more about the church online at: http://capitalcitygrace.org/

Full details on the upcoming Bible School in Harrison West: http://capitalcitygrace.org/vacation-bible-school-in-harrison-west/

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